Saturday, December 20, 2008

Morning Hair...

Bad Hair day....Luke is the only baby that I have seen with this much hair and it gets completely out of control. I do not have the heart to cut the top yet, so it gets quite crazy!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Dear Luke,

Today is your 6 month birthday and you were a blast this evening. Mommy had to work today, but you got to stay home and play with dadadadada....your favorite thing to say these days. Tonight I fed you and was able to hold you close. I said to myself that I would nurse you until 6 months and today is 6 months!! I still think that I am going to hold onto pumping in the morning to give you milk for your cereal. I did not pump at work today and that was very nice. Anyway, someday when you read this, you will not be interested in the above, so I will stop talking about it.

You played for some time today in your jumper while I scarfed down my dinner. You are getting really good at jumping and enjoy being on your feet as much as possible. You are getting so smart and learning so many talents.

Brother is at his dad's house tonight. I miss him so much on these days.....we called him on speaker phone tonight together and you and brother talked on the phone. He kept saying Peek-a-boo to you and you would smile. You play this game with him often, so you must have recognized the voice and his tone (because you obviously could not see him).

Well I am so excited to hang out with you tomorrow.....darn shots at the dr tomorrow, so this is NOT exciting. I miss you, brother, and daddy!


Friday, December 5, 2008

Dear Zachary,

This morning I was running late and let you skip your took one last night anyway, so I thought I would let this time slide. It is pajama day in your class. You wore you pj bottoms (the only pair you own that are not too short) and two shirts. Then, the mean mom that I am made you put on your "puffy" coat as you call it because it is so flippin cold outside!! You are so stoked that you get to bring your Nintendo DS to school.....well I love you, miss you, see you after school, have a wonderful

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Zachary and Luke....

I worked waaaay too late today and miss you so much. Zach, I have not interacted with you since Wednesday morning and am so glad you will be home this weekend. I think that we will rent a movie, put Luke to bed and stay up late together. If not, we will watch America's funniest home videos in mom's bed together.

Papa and Gramma picked you up from school today and you spent your Thursday time with them. Then you came home at 4:30 so that Papa and Gramma could watch Luke while daddy went to work (mommy was already seeing clients). I did not get home until 9 pm and Gramma looked really tired. Bless her heart for always helping out.

Zach you were about to fall asleep on the couch before your bed time (Amazing...that never happens, must have stayed up too late at your dad's house) and Gramma said you had to go to bed because she would not be able to carry you to bed. It took me back to when you were little and you would fall asleep with me when Chris was working late and when he got home, he would carry you into bed. You would always mumble something under your breath....jibberish talk....completely asleep....having no idea what you had said.

Oh, to remember back brings me such joy!!

Luke, I wish I could snuggle with you tonight, but I am going to be good and let you sleep tight!!

Love, Mommy

Letters to My Boys.......

Letters to my boys: My best friend, my first love, and my newest love.....

So I did not want to put my letters on our main blog, however would like to journal my daily thoughts about my boys! I would hope that one day they can look back and have memories of their father (step-father) and I when we they are grown or when the Lord takes us from this Earth.

I got this brilliant idea from a website of a mother who was told her unborn baby was not "viable for life" outside of her womb. She spent every day writing her son letters and thoughts she had while he was living inside her.
I pray that God will use this to teach my children about their father and I and show them the blessings of parenthood.

With love for my boys,
