Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Dear Luke,

Today is your 6 month birthday and you were a blast this evening. Mommy had to work today, but you got to stay home and play with dadadadada....your favorite thing to say these days. Tonight I fed you and was able to hold you close. I said to myself that I would nurse you until 6 months and today is 6 months!! I still think that I am going to hold onto pumping in the morning to give you milk for your cereal. I did not pump at work today and that was very nice. Anyway, someday when you read this, you will not be interested in the above, so I will stop talking about it.

You played for some time today in your jumper while I scarfed down my dinner. You are getting really good at jumping and enjoy being on your feet as much as possible. You are getting so smart and learning so many talents.

Brother is at his dad's house tonight. I miss him so much on these days.....we called him on speaker phone tonight together and you and brother talked on the phone. He kept saying Peek-a-boo to you and you would smile. You play this game with him often, so you must have recognized the voice and his tone (because you obviously could not see him).

Well I am so excited to hang out with you tomorrow.....darn shots at the dr tomorrow, so this is NOT exciting. I miss you, brother, and daddy!


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